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Gift to

Surely it can be difficult to find a gift for a particular family member, your best friend or your partner? That is why we have collected all the best gifts for everyone you can think of so that you do not have to go around looking for several days! Look no further for a gift for your best friend, buy an incredibly fun game that makes you giggle together or a game with nostalgia questions about the 80's.

- We have stylish glasses and crockery for the sophisticated mother. 

- We have practical and all the practicalities for cooking and serving in nice colors and materials for the food-loving dad.

- We even have products for those who have EVERYTHING, such as fun games, marble serving trays (how nice?) Or fun gift books.

It can be very difficult to buy gifts for a student, but we have collected all the best and stylish glasses, plates and bowls that prepare the newly graduated student for the move away from home.

Why not buy something elegant for the bride and groom? Stand out by giving a gift like a wonderful vase, colorful candles that stand out or a unique carafe. Here at Lagerhaus, there are gifts for all happy moments.

Upp upp upp!

Lagerhaus is the interior design chain with a twinkle in the eye and a heart in the right place. We offer a wide range of affordable and smart products for the home and the party. Interior details, storage products, glassware, crockery, gift bags, wrapping products, party items and much, much more - everything you need to create a happy place!